Eternal Bliss
THE TALE OF AN ANONY-MOUSE(the horror story)
Once upon a time there was a MOUSE ....ANONY--MOUSE. oneday under the sheer attack of boredom, he started reading and visiting BLOGS .And then in order to combat with his boredom he started criticizing the posts .in the begining his musings sounded constructive and ppl appreciated his perceptions and healthy criticism ,but then like all others ,he lost his focus as well and graduated himself to be venomous towards the persons behind the blogger ids ,and then a whole MAFIA popped up like mushrooms ,they were every where trashing whoever and in whtever manner they deemed fit to.He doesntknow what virtuality is,why ppl come here and what they seek .he trashes people for the sake of trashing. if hes so good and such a MR KNOW IT ALL why cant he start writing himself ?why cant he give others a chance to mortify him as well like he lovingly does .HE doesnt know that its very easy to show the mirror to others, but so hard to face yourown reflection.We all come to virtuality for different reasons .for some it is an avenue to vent out there haphazard feelings,for some it is just a catharsis couch.whatever it is but virtuality thrills and yes,we all need attention thats why we write public diary=blog .if u accuse all the writers as attention seekers then everybdy is.whats so bad in it .LOOKING FFWD TO READ SOME EXTRAORDINARY POST ON YOUR BLOG.ANONY-MOUSE.cheersand let me finish this post with a noteIF U DO GOOD PEOPLE WILL ACCUSE YOU OF ULTERIOR MOTIVES DO GOOD ANYWAY.PPL ARE UNREASONABLE, ILLOGICAL AND SELF CENTEREDLOVE THEM ANYWAY.IF YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL,YOU WILL WIN FABLE FRIENDS AND TRUE ENEMIESSUCCEED ANYWAYS.THE BIGGEST PEOPLE WITH THE BIGGEST IDEASCAN BE SHOT DOWN ,BY THE SMALLEST OF PPL,WITH THE SMALLEST OF WEAPON,THINK BIG ANYWAYS.PPL FAVOR UNDERDOGS ,BUT FOLLOW TOP DOGS ONLY,FIGHT FOR THE UNDERDOGS ANY WAY.GIVE THE WRLDTHE BEST U HAVE ,AND YOU WILL GET KICKED IN THE TEETH,GIVE THE WORLD UR BEST ANYWAY.
Posted by sebia ::
2:50 PM ::
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