Eternal Bliss
There are certain habits of people which though may be un intentional by them but can cause havoc with other persons sanity, even if that sanity is cliched ...
1,NOSE PICKING:----There should be a law, allowing 2 slap people doing this highly unintriguing activity...that day in a shopping mall 1 female was drilling her nose trying 2 find some gold in there ,and then dangg.....she found it, so she started examining her prescious FIND, with all the concentration she could muster, putting EINSTEIN 2 SHAME... and then she threw it away...for the other humble mortals to bless themselves, with the undeniable pleasure. and started questing for another diamond in there.and the concentration could put all the gold diggers to shame.The activity went on and on and onnnnnnnnnn....2,CHEWING BUBBLE GUMS:-----Another highly irritating job ,people chewing bubble gums, putting all the goats and cows to shame ..and talking in between 2 the other person oblivious of the effect they are causing with there sing swing jaw motion and slurp slurp noises....and if its nt enough they start making bubbles outta them .U are talking 2 smbdy, and with great difficulty u r concentrating on swing dwing jaw muscles and suddenly a BUBBLE (not of joy)bursts infront of ur face and thn tht person will roll his/her tongue and wrapp the bubble gum back (with all the salt,and perspiration..)back in the mouth....after all its there own mouth nobdy elses...3,SPITTING:---People reacts differently during the excitement phase...different ways to express...some of them when excited can even give u a shower(not of ganga jal) while talking 2 u..regardless of your already showered and perfumed state.and worst is when they are eating PAANS uff even if u r blessing urself with this sinful pleasure ,no need to paint the town RED... and worst no need to spit red on the other person..spitting venom is better ...4,STINK.O.MANIA:---Some people just dont beleive in nirvana of fresh breath and beleive in anaesthecizing others with there toxic fumigated breaths...such persons when open there mouths i only wanna scream to GEORGE BUSH ...2 cm ...ur WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION are right hereeeeee......5,TOXICATING THE WORLD:---Some people have got all the answers for there answer to superpowers and there nuclear bombs lies in a chemical bomb,made and manufactured solely by there own hard work and devotion called FARTING AND BURPING...they can cause such catastrophies which can leave all the SHOCK AND AWE bombing far far behind.....after all its so trueThe fire of 1 mans tummy,can burn the happiness of 100s with its wrath:)6,FORCED FAMILIARITY:----.People showering there love and expressions by hugs and cheeky kisses...damn so many times i tell people that HUGS GIMME BUGS......and people eating my breathing space should be blown away with the cannon balls...and specially when those people arent the beleivers of heaven of fragrance...using deodrant is a sin nt to b indulged in 4 thm...daily showers is a crime punishable with lashes fr thm......:((that day the lady in the parlour who was cutting my hair almost took me to the joy ride of stinking hell...and fumigated me with a not so blissful STINKKKKKKKKKKKK...6,SOUND BLASTERS:-----Your neighbours listening 2 sm atrocious rockband,at 2 am in the morning nuthing can b more agonizing then enduring MICHAEL JACKSON lullabying u 2 eternal bliss of sleepless havoc..with the sound level which can cause mayhem in the city of dead u toss and turn and turn and decide to take the shelter of cotton candy but still no avail...u can actually feel the drummings inside ur head ...all u wanna do at tht time after twisting turning in ur bed fr eons is to plug those people to 440 watts socket until they r nicely shaken and stirred for causing all the electrifying insanity....7,LAUGHING MADNESS:-----No offence 2 any specific person and dont take it personally but its so true that laughter which can act as a soothing pill for some ailing hearts can also act as poison ivy for sm not so fragile ears as well..SM PEOPLE ARE BLESSED WITH A GIGGLE SO SHRILL,WHICH RESEMBLES A DENTIST DRILL,MY REQUEST 2 THM IS TO GET A CHILL PILL,AND WORK ON IT TILL,IT RESEMPLES A NIGHTINGALES PRILL...:)cuz it really matters for the other persons refind state of sanity...8,DRIVING ME NUTS:----Some people dance..sorry drive on erratic tunes while listening to mobile fone,thinking of doing a balancing or juggling act on rope or thinking they are performing some item no ,trying to match there latkas and jhatkas with some hotpot bollywood extra..going zigzag on the road,taking padestrian,poles,cars and everything sometimes and taken by themm most of the times...beleiving tht the earth is actually carpeted with roads for there sole amusement and rest of the species driving on it r just sm useless mosquitoes needs to b wiped out frm the earth...those ppl shuld b hanged on the tree and slapped by all whoever they rubbed wrong...and yeah there mobile fones shuld b hanged till death where they can ring till eternity...9,BITCHING AND BACKBITING:---I dont know why people indulge in 2 maliscious gossips and enjoy shredding others to thin spaghetties..o baba in the modern so bz world nobody is interested in what POOJA DID TO DOOJA and why HARRY MET SALLY not even interested in why my neighbours hen eloped with the other neighbours dog, and what haircolour mohan use to dye his pls LIVE AND LET LIVE,DIE IF U WISH BUT DONT LIE TO MAKE THEM todays wrld nobdy appreciates BAGHAL MAIN CHUREE(KNIFE)MOON MAIN RAM RAAM.....So folks these were one of few things which though comes last in the hiararchy of significant stuff in life...but these small things or gestures can play havoc with the refined sanity and patience of others....and yeah they r strictly and solely my judgements ..if u develop any kinda stomach pain while digesting need to cm back here and spit them out...use ur own garbage to do tht cuz....I have only 1 nerve left ,and you are already spitting sorry stepping on IT:)
Posted by sebia ::
6:05 PM ::
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