Eternal Bliss
TWISTING IDENTITIES,,.(what if i wasnt born as SEBIA)
That day in order 2 amuse myself,i was punctuating my thoughts ,with some silly stuff...i-e. .
What if i was born as :-------Enjoy some mindless ,nonsense yappings by me:))1,What if i was born as KADOO(GOURD)?Ans...Then i would have flirted with BHINDI shamelessly ,and aunty FOOL GOBHI would have committed suicide out of sheer jealousy:)...2,What if i was a mango?Ans...Then mom would have plucked me....and ...grrrr..zrrrrr... squeezed a MANGO MILK SHAKE out of me...3,What if i was a MICROWAVE OVEN?ANS..Would have never allowed SEBIA to warm those sinful,bursting with calories good fr nuthing CINNABONS...4,What if i was a MIRROR on SEBIAS WALL?Ans...Would have shattered long ago...after listening 2 the same q 100 times every dayMIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALLWHO IS THE PRETTIEST OF ALL?5,What if i was a cupid?Ans...Would have made GEORGE BUSH and BIN laden fall for each other long ago...(A GAY union to spread some gay RE UNION.6.What if i was GEORGE BUSH?Ans..Would have gone 2 PLANET OF THE APES...for the lost kinship...7,What if i was a LICE?Ans..Would have played havoc in Saddam hussains, good for nuthing brains.....
8,What if i was SEBIAS mother??ans..Would have stop beleiving that MALE SPECIE gonna extinct from mother earth...and stop pesturing her to marry the first thing called MALE coming her way..9,What if i ws a FERRARI :?ans...Would have chucked SCHUMMI out for his bad performance...and romanced ALONSOO...:)))10,What if i was a chat administrator:?ANS..Would have never allowed anybody 2 chat w/t commenting on my blog:))11.,What if i was HOCUS POCUS?Would have lost all my focus..(after seeing IT beauties).12,What if i was an ITCHA DHAARI NAAGEN(Snake who can change face after 100 yrs)?Ans...Would have acted in all PIERCE BROSNON movies...and danced NAAGEN NAAGEN ...THERE:))..10,What if i was a tear?Would have rolled down ,taking all the misery along..kissing the melancholy off from every bodys life.
Posted by sebia ::
3:02 AM ::
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